Qlik Luminary Life Episode 7 – Angelika Klidas

by Oct 6, 2020Qlik0 comments

Below is a summary of the video interview with Angelika Klidas. Please watch the video to see the entire interview. 


Welcome to Qlik Luminary Life Episode 7! This week’s special guest is Angelika Klidas, Lecturer at The University of Applied Science in Amsterdam, and Education Manager at 2Foqus BI & Analytics. We had an amazing conversation with Angelika and were eager to find out her thoughts on Data Literacy, her covid-19 app, and the launch of dataliteracygeek.com.

What company do you work for and what is your job title?


2Foqus Data & Analytics In Breda, Netherlands as an Education Manager (also a bit of operational management, sales, and consultancy.) Besides my job at 2Foqus, I am also a lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences where I am teaching the full minor in Data & Analytics. My drive is Data Literacy, to bring insights to the people and help them to understand that just watching isn’t enough, you need to do more with the insights, analyze, debate, argue, criticize and develop curiosity, and by all means get into the action!


Why did you decide to apply to be a Qlik Luminary?


Since I was working with Qlik since version 7 as a champion from a big company (UQV, a governmental organization in Amsterdam) I could’ve applied earlier. I thought that only techies could apply, until my friend David Bolton told me to apply about 4 years ago, and from there, the magic happened.


What’s your favorite thing about Qlik?


One thing only, the power of grey, the amazing associative technology! It is fantastic to be able to see the data that isn’t selected and discover the unknown surprising things within your data. From my lecturer’s perspective, I love the Qlik Academic Program, which helps me to get my students up to speed in working and understanding Qlik Sense. The process around it, the data literacy aspects and material we have developed in the years from experience in the work field (and of course from books, movies, etc.).


Tell me about the biggest challenge Qlik helped you to overcome.


That is not a difficult thing. My most all time favorite project is already a few years ago, but the simplicity, the response, and the way our customers could analyze the exceptions are “Call to Balloon” and “Call to Needle”. The dashboard ‘Call to Balloon’ and ‘ Call to Needle’ shows all of the steps within the process of an emergency call, from a emergency ambulance transport to treatment (Balloon or medication) of patients who have heart issues or a stroke. The purpose of this dashboard is to provide insight to the safety region and the hospital concerning time course of the whole chain of emergency care. Coordination, speed and decisiveness are the essential Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) for a successful treatment of a sudden and acute myocardial infarction or stroke. With focusing on collaboration together (different organizations) and discussing the outcomes of the cases (e.g. the exceptions) improvements were made and in both emergency processes the time KPI’s where improved with 20 valuable minutes. That’s impressive, that is life saving, quality of live improving.


Advice for those wanting to become a future Luminary?


Talk, present, write about your hobby/work and be proud of what you do! I love the fact that we can find so much in the Qlik community around various topics to help each other to improve our skillsets and not only from a technical perspective, but also from a Data Literacy perspective.


Can you tell us about a project you’re currently working on using Qlik?


Setting up the educational part of 2Foqus with a variety of educational possibilities, from technical Qlik trainings, to Data Literacy trainings. But also my personal project around the COVID-19 app. The insights around the COVID-19 pandemic are very interesting to analyze and write stories around it. I am still not publishing those horrifying numbers (they are simply wrong), but I am definitely writing and publishing about the clinical trials, the commercial flights and so on. I have collected so much data and this helps me (and my friends) to understand the massive impact on the world today and also how the pursuit to get that vaccine or medication is going.


When you’re not working and being a Luminary, what hobbies or activities do you enjoy?


Sports (fitness and walking), playing with our dog (Burmese Mountain Dog) Nahla, watching movies or listening/reading books. Besides that, I am working with my friends Boris Michel and Sean Price on our Dataliteracygeek.com platform, which launched on 28-08-2020.


Name a song you have completely memorized.


I have memorized a lot of songs, as I was a singer and guitar player in a band some years ago. I am more from the golden oldies age whilst I play on my guitar as I say I am a campfire player/singer. But I do love music, there isn’t a day without music, and my Spotify list (kiki’s krankzinnige muziek) is growing rapidly with all kinds/types of music.


What would be your first question after waking up from being cryogenically frozen for 100 years?


The need for coffee!! Especially from fresh beans…or maybe even give me my iPad/iPhone so I can see the news!


If you’re a Qlik Luminary and are interested in being interviewed for Qlik Luminary Life, be sure to contact Michael Daughters at mdaughters@motio.com. Make sure to stay tuned for episode 8 coming soon!


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